CBSE Exam Preparation: Top Tips to Score Good for Intermediate Students


It’s almost time for the yearly CBSE board exams, and Coimbatore residential school students are growing more and more anxious each day. And while pre-exam stress is a universal experience, it doesn’t always have to keep your child up at night.

How can you ensure that your little one passes the board exams with flying colours while still getting eight hours of sleep at night? Every exam preparation routine must consider these three essential aspects: revisions, rest, and the day of the exam.


Exams typically contain questions about topics you’ve already discussed in school. So, there’s no need to worry about tackling an unfamiliar lesson—revisiting material is a significantly easier task.

To make revisions less stressful and overwhelming, remember these tips:

·         Find a study style that works for you

Not every child learns the same way. For example, your kid might be able to understand complex topics better if they discuss them with another person, so don’t hesitate to let them join a study group.

Moreover, consider using learning tools to improve your child’s learning experience. If they’re a visual learner, let them refer to graphs and diagrams, and if they’re an auditory learner, allow them to watch educational videos or podcasts.

·         Refer to various sources

Is your child having trouble with a certain topic? Sometimes, teachers and textbooks are unable to explain concepts in the most easily digestible way. So, try to look for other sources that can help your child look at the subject from a different perspective.

For example, they can ask their friends to explain a difficult mathematical concept in simpler terms, watch a YouTube tutorial, or read an educational blog.

·         Check out previous exams.

One big reason why students get exam jitters is that they have no idea what to expect. And luckily, there’s a simple solution to this problem: practice tests.

Numerous CBSE board exam practice papers are available online, giving your child a better idea of the topics and questions that might come up in the official exam. Plus, answering mock tests and getting a good score can help improve their confidence for the big day.



Resting doesn’t always mean slacking off. In fact, it can help your child prepare themselves emotionally for the exam, ensuring that they don’t fall asleep in the middle of the test or panic due to a difficult question.

In addition to getting enough sleep at night, encourage your child to stay active and eat nutritious meals. For instance, they can participate in a sports programme at their school or spend 10 to 20 minutes a day walking.

Thankfully, leading Coimbatore residential schools recognise the importance of a proper diet. They provide healthy, balanced meals for boarders with ingredients suited to each child’s tastes and cultural requirements.


Exam day

Finally, it’s time for the big day. Unfortunately, stress and anxiety feel most overwhelming on the actual day of the exam, so your child might seem a little tense the night before.

The best way to help calm your child’s nerves is to prevent them from pulling an all-nighter. In addition, make sure to prepare a healthy, satisfying breakfast to give them a boost for the day. Some tasty and nutritious “brain” foods include fish, fruits and veggies, whole grains, eggs, and lean meats.

And before you bid your little one goodbye, remind them that you have their full support regardless of the exam’s outcome. A little encouragement can go a long way, especially during stressful situations.


Exams assess a student’s understanding of the various subjects and topics they study in school. So, to ensure that they are fully prepared to face their toughest challenge yet, enrol them in a top-ranking Coimbatore residential schoolwith qualified teachers, state-of-the-art facilities, and a holistic academic programme.


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