What Characteristics Do Good Parents Possess?
Parenting is the most exacting job any human being could ever undertake. It is a 24/7 job that does not come with a rule book or a training manual. You are pretty much on your own when raising your children. That said, there are some characteristics that all good parents share. · The first characteristic of a good parent is patience. Patience is required when dealing with tantrums, mood swings, teenage rebellion, and the many other challenges that come with parenting. A good parent is one who can remain calm in the midst of a storm and not lose their temper. · The second characteristic of a good parent is consistency. Children thrive on routine and predictability. They need to understand what to expect and what is expected of them. Good parents provide structure and stability in their children’s lives. · The third characteristic of a good parent is unconditional love. A good parent loves their child unconditi...